Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My first Tatting Tea Tuesday

Just dropping by to report on my first official Tatting Tea Tuesday. I'm on lunch so this will be a quick post.

I did get some tatting done last night, but don't have a picture to show yet. I worked on an ornament from Vida Sunderman's book, and am just over half-way done. I was at a friends hanging with the cats while said friend is hanging with her family on vacation. I tatted while there, then when I got home I was too hot to do any crafting, so after doing dishes and fixing dinner and today's lunch I just sat like a slug. I hope to finish off the ornament/snowflake tonight while hanging with the cats again. We'll see. Now, it is back to work.

1 comment:

IsDihara said...

Thank you for joining in the communi-tea, Kelly! So glad to welcome you to Tatting Tea Tuesday and I hope to see more of your tatting posts.